Fairchild Properties tenaciously pursued approvals from Southampton town and village boards for most of the 1990's.
Dr. Lyle Schaller states, The Church on Brady tenaciously and persistently pursued the perennial apostolic paradigm of church ... multiplication rather than church maintenance.
It was the fault, they implied, of the women who tenaciously pursued them for the sake of, as Mr. Johnson writes, "a conquest."
And absolutely the only singer to tenaciously pursue excellence of material in the face of the obvious cultural collapse around him.
He tenaciously pursued his enemies, and found them everywhere.
Vance tenaciously pursued the subject.
Robert Holmes a Court, the Australian industrialist who has reaped millions by tenaciously pursuing companies around the world, disclosed yesterday that he controls 6.4 percent of Texaco Inc.'s stock.
He was able to tenaciously pursue it.
Larry King tenaciously pursuing every new tidbit in the O. J. Simpson case and badgering guests for assurances that this is really one helluva story.
John Wallis was not the first such opponent, but he tenaciously pursued Hobbes.