These 'troops in the wood' were the Grassins, a combination of light infantry and light cavalry who tenaciously defended the position against the Allied attack.
He defended tenaciously, earning a spot on the All-Defensive Team four years running.
Any debate over reform quickly leads into a quagmire where powerful lobbies tenaciously defend vital interests.
The rest of the village was being defended tenaciously by the Americans.
I thank Chairman Arafat, who tenaciously defended the interests of his people, and the very impressive members of his team as well.
She didn't want to probe too deeply, but didn't have to to realize what a psychically gifted prize Lora was defending so tenaciously.
Marbury played the final 4 minutes 26 seconds with five fouls, tenaciously defending Iverson.
They tenaciously defended the small fortress of Akasaka before finally being forced to withdraw.
These fixed defences were used extensively during the battle, with Japanese tactics being focused on tenaciously defending pre-prepared positions.
The Confederates under Robert E. Lee tenaciously defended their capital until the very end.