Alpha Course: Alpha Course is a ten-week course introducing the basics of Christianity.
The only way to discover what on earth this means is probably to fork out £60 for the ten-week course or £48 for the eight-week course.
These five- to ten-week courses include painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, ceramic, and sculpture as well as glass-works.
Creative Machine Knitting Design This is a ten-week course to introduce students to the elements of designing their own machine knitted garments.
All counselors take two ten-week course that covers basic counseling methods and surveys a wide variety of campus health issues.
The ten-week course consisted of 70 hours of flight training and 150 hours of ground training.
Holy Trinity's young recruits are put on a ten-week course, followed by a residential weekend concentrating on 'the person and work of the Holy Spirit'.
The ten-week course runs each Autumn, and is housed in the church.
Starting after Easter, the ten-week course at the Nevilles Cross Centre and Darlington Teachers' Centre gives adults a chance to try out new ways of learning maths.
Most diploma programs consist of three ten-week courses; three in "cuisine" and three in "pâtisserie" (pastry making).