He had a good relationship with his famous father, stating that he would rate him, "an eight-and-a-half or a nine" on a ten-point scale.
Hardness: on the Mohs scale, a ten-point scale running from the softest, talc to the hardest, diamond.
Usual grading system at Secondary School Level is ten-point scale.
The review site Patrol gave the album a 9 on the site's ten-point scale - a record high - praising its "substance."
Not a bad grade. . . ." On a ten-point scale of great opening lines, this is probably about a two.
Overall difficulty is currently graded as "A1" or 2 on a ten-point scale.
Assign a rating on a ten-point scale as to how important each consideration is.
In the third 75-second clip, Ron discusses in detail his "scientifically perfect ten-point scale of human beauty", the criteria for which he admits is "extremely misogynistic".
Barbara Vancheri of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette gave the episode a "7.5" on a ten-point scale.
After investigation, The Fairfax County School Board approved a modified ten-point scale, complete with pluses and minuses.