Because the charts are so directly linked to money, they tempt people into trying to corrupt them.
This may tempt people away from palliative care.
Here Evil does not use promises of power and authority to tempt people but instead the eagerness for knowledge.
Critics say this can tempt vulnerable people to borrow more.
In such conditions, particularly if the hour grew late, the desire not to have to backtrack a difficult climb tempted people into taking chances.
Vegas is a nice, safe city in the main, but it's not a great idea to tempt people.
The land is a tropical paradise that tempts people with pleasure.
I am opposed to the policies of some Member States, which actually call for, and tempt people with, selective immigration.
I "trusted" Maris, but it is wise not to ever do something that might just "tempt" certain people a bit too far!
"I feel, like any person who reads their Bible, that the Devil tempts people," she said.