If Ed Miliband falters, and Balls takes his place, what a temporary triumph of tactics over strategy and substance that will be.
Charles was, therefore, provided by his English friends with 15,000l., and the King's timid party of men with much to lose won a temporary triumph.
He was willing to give this enemy a temporary triumph if it would bring the break he wanted.
Multiracial Grief In Dawn Park, there was an unsettling sense today that South Africa's incorrigible present had scored a temporary triumph over its hopeful future.
In Zoroastrian thought, death is seen as the temporary triumph of evil and the corpse as ritually defiled, he said, adding, "God does not murder."
"If the men only knew how little I begrudge him his temporary triumph," Perry said.
Five Democrats joined 44 Republicans in backing the amendment, but the vote on Thursday may only be a temporary triumph for Mr. Graham.
Basil has climbed the mountain and Creyn has helped make blacktorc children whole and operant and Anatoly-experienced a temporary triumph at my expense.
Driving the black knight off with 33 . . . f6 was a temporary triumph; but after 34 Nc4 Nd5 35 Nd6 the white knight became even more unpleasant.
Crime held a temporary triumph; but The Shadow's cause could be renewed.