Crowded conditions were evident throughout the prison blocks and temporary trailers that house the inmates.
While the airport was quickly brought back to service, many facilities remained in temporary trailers for years after Katrina.
Many low-income residents were left to live in temporary trailers for nearly three years.
Earlier this year, Westhab installed temporary trailers there for recreational and social services.
The highest priority, she said, is to replace old, supposedly temporary, trailer homes, which often present safety problems for the occupants.
"There are people in temporary trailers where they waived for six months the usual building and health requirements," she said.
By the 1990s the school was using temporary trailers as classrooms to deal with over-crowding and failed a state inspection.
Users could still have access to books by walking inside temporary trailers during the expansion.
In fact, many schools are holding classes in temporary trailers.
Music classes were for a short time held in temporary trailers, and now music classrooms are spread throughout campus.