His sudden improvement brought about a temporary return to the Cambridgeshire team, for which he remained qualified by birth.
Something half-ruralWrf from one or more moments of earlier temporary return to rationality.
Any temporary return to growth will be snuffed out by heavy increases in commodity prices.
This, unfortunately, results in the temporary return of Dormammu.
Yet, the cost was a loss of technology, and a temporary return to barbarism during what we call the "Dark Ages".
Another way to measure the passage of eras would be a temporary return to the conditions of 1899.
It has continued at this venue with one exception, a temporary return to the Curragh in 2009.
Of course, the act was merely symbolic: the gold's temporary return to the earth.
This led to a temporary return to paganism, and again priests had to flee.
Upon his temporary return, Barnard attempts to rekindle their romance, but she is in another relationship.