The three man committee devised a plan of diversions, and then a regroup after a temporary retreat.
He felt sick at heart at the failure of his mission, and even now hoped that this was only a temporary retreat.
The Sandinistas were forced into a temporary retreat but returned later with reinforcements to do battle in the streets.
Tree houses can be used for recreation, work space, habitation, observation or as temporary retreats.
They eventually leave their temporary retreat to make amends with each other and other members of society.
In the temporary retreat from the city, he distinguished himself by his daring in battle.
He fashioned a temporary retreat in the forest whose location was secret from all but himself and Jolie and his father.
Sometimes a temporary retreat from a job was the only realistic course.
Or one can do as we did, and beat a temporary retreat.
And remember, I speak of a temporary cleansing-a retreat, as it were.