Moreover, Goldman used a bond deal to pay back one of its own temporary loans.
Is there no compromise we might find, a temporary loan, so to speak?
Those who made a temporary or conditional loan can ask for the work back.
In any case, the funds rate, which banks charge each other for temporary loans, was 8 1/4 percent at the close.
Other countries and perhaps commercial sources may also contribute to the temporary loan, officials said.
The Federal funds rate, which banks charge each other for temporary loans, is considered the bedrock cost of credit.
Federal funds are what banks charge one another for temporary loans and the rate is thus considered the basic cost of credit.
The move was apparently aimed at pushing up the key interest rate that banks charge each other for temporary loans.
The rate is what banks charge each other for temporary loans.
The move contributed to a large drop in the key funds rate that banks charge each other for temporary loans.