A few karst caves are of interest to spelaeology and bring about the temporary disappearance and reappearance of the Erdbach.
- Some patients experience residual inhibition: tinnitus suppression or temporary disappearance following exposure to external sounds.
A temporary disappearance from the surface of the Earth would be very useful to you right now.
Thessaly's magic has serious consequences including the temporary disappearance of the moon from the sky and a freak storm (Hurricane Lisa) that rages through the city.
It was after the temporary disappearance of acanthus and bresaiola that she sought medical advice, expecting reassurance.
(A less forgivable service lapse resulted in the temporary disappearance of the red wine we'd brought.)
"My understanding was that my subject was to be a minor American congressman whose temporary disappearance would go unnoticed."
Our temporary disappearance was an event planned by me.
Then the league made the no-lockout, no-strike proposal but linked it to the temporary disappearance of the Wood-Eisley lawsuit.
A falling out between the two leads to Skip's temporary disappearance and a formulaic boy-dog crisis.