They were reluctant to move from their temporary comfort even to avoid a jittermop, so the morel prodded them.
The meds were guaranteed not to cause physical addiction, but the last thing he needed was psychological addiction to the temporary comfort they brought.
Still, the talk of killing the judge gave him temporary comfort, he said.
But such thoughts as these provided only a temporary comfort.
That may bring temporary comfort to Ms. Saldana, but not much to any who care about the credibility of criminal justice.
He had analyzed the situation and drawn temporary comfort from his reasoning.
The findings suggest that the current trend of switching from dress shoes to sneakers to walk any distance may provide women with far more than temporary comfort.
The temporary comforts of purchased one-night stands had, inevitably, a steadily diminishing allure.
I humored Rose because I couldn't find a way to talk her out of going to you, and because it gave her some temporary comfort.
But the need for some temporary comfort from suffering becomes acute in his late work, especially in the work for television.