The Communists viewed the National Front as a permanent entity, while the remaining parties considered it a temporary coalition until normal conditions would arise in Czechoslovakia.
Guys like Stillson have no permanent political base, just a temporary coalition that holds together for a little while and then falls apart.
This co-operation appears to be principally a temporary coalition dictated by pragmatic considerations.
It also governed during World War I, during which a temporary coalition was formed with the Liberal Party.
He led his party to form a temporary coalition with James Albers and the Social Credit party in the 2001 Alberta general election.
Nonetheless, because the leftists occasionally formed temporary political coalitions before national elections, they posed more than just a mere "parliamentary nuisance factor."
But it led him into preaching - worse, believing - that the temporary coalition had metamorphosed into a permanent new world order.
Various temporary coalitions are created on an ad hoc basis depending on the issues.
Moreover his temporary electoral coalition of liberal parties augmented his support among members of the electoral board.
That is, it is illegitimate for a temporary coalition that had a majority to gang up on and hurt a significant minority.