He allowed some of these exiles to temporarily reside on his farm.
The painting, waiting its turn at preservation and restoration, is so enormous that it temporarily resides in a hallway.
By April 2012 the terminal building had been moved from its original location and was temporarily residing on the grass to the south of runway 24.
A sojourner is a person who resides temporarily in a place.
The Spirit House, where our ancestors temporarily reside, exists alongside our world.
An expatriate is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing.
Articles to any other nonresident temporarily residing in Washington.
A guest worker program allows foreign workers to temporarily reside and work in a host country.
A domicile is a permanent residence - the place where a person returns to even though s/he may temporarily reside elsewhere.
According to the same scholar, another group of over 20,000 Bulgarians are temporarily residing, studying and working in France.