When demand temporarily exceeds supply, the company will sell more than it has produced, going into the spot market and buying copper to make up the difference.
At the same time, it was noted that the total number of ad litem judges serving on the Tribunal might temporarily exceed the maximum of 12 provided for to a maximum of 13.
Interval training takes advantage of the body being able to temporarily exceed the lactate threshold, and then recover (reduce blood-lactate) while operating below the threshold and while still doing physical activity.
Cerenkov radiation-(n) Electromagnetic radiation emitted by particles temporarily exceeding the local speed of light, e.g., upon exit from a collapsium lattice.
And right now, supply temporarily exceeds demand.
The amount of mercury released by one bulb can temporarily exceed U.S. federal guidelines for chronic exposure.
On 13 March the lowest-level state of emergency was declared regarding the Onagawa plant as radioactivity readings temporarily exceeded allowed levels in the area of the plant.
This temporarily exceeds the warming impact of the greenhouse effect.
She dialed down bridge humidity levels and tapped in permission for heating rates to temporarily exceed standard safety thresholds.
And as Britain's experience shows, it is possible for debts to exceed temporarily the level of 150 percent of G.D.P.