Depressants are psychoactive drugs that temporarily diminish the function or activity of a specific part of the body or mind.
Transylvania University had a long-standing affiliation with the Presbyterian Church, but due to low enrollment and graduation numbers, the Kentucky General Assembly reorganized its Board of Trustees, temporarily diminishing the church's influence.
"So many celebrities are doing the treatment because it temporarily diminishes all the tiny imperfections that would otherwise be visible on high-definition TV," said Michelle Peck, a masseuse from Los Angeles.
Along the Western front these began quite early after the war and continued for several decades, dropping in number in the mid-1920s, when interest in the war temporarily diminished, and again in the Depression years of the early 1930s.
Sodium lauryl sulfate temporarily diminishes perception of sweetness, an effect commonly observed after recent use of toothpaste containing this ingredient.
The secretion weakens the tree and temporarily diminishes its immune system, whereby the fungus can spread along the xylem.
But Mr. Linford of Spamhaus said he thought that the current wave of prosecutions had the potential to at least temporarily diminish the flood of spam.
Fans outside of Baltimore booed Alomar relentlessly after he was suspended for spitting at Umpire John Hirschbeck in 1996, and friends on the team thought the response temporarily diminished Alomar's enthusiasm for baseball.
Since motor symptoms are produced by a lack of dopamine in the substantia nigra the administration of L-DOPA temporarily diminishes the motor symptomatology.
If people inhale smog and soot they can temporarily diminish lung capacity and have trouble breathing properly.