Sendai's port was heavily damaged and temporarily closed.
As usual Waspinator survived but this time he had been temporarily damaged mentally, referring to himself as the original Insecticon Shrapnel, and talking with his speech impediment.
Lead later makes a brief appearance as a worker at a superhero bar, and is temporarily damaged while protecting civilians.
A fatty material that encases the nerve bundle is temporarily damaged by the patient's immune system, he said, resulting in sudden pain and loss of vision in one eye.
"We have to consider with these stocks whether the franchise is damaged permanently or only temporarily," he said.
Older color TV sets can be temporarily damaged by application of a magnet to the screen.
Heaven's Gate was where Silenus had learned to write true poetry even while his temporarily damaged mind was lost to language, but this was not his home.
Her career was temporarily damaged for having assisted in hosting a performance by the Bolshoi Ballet during the Second World War, even though it was at the request of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Adémar's reputation was temporarily damaged as a result.
In Hardin's example, it is in each herder's interest to put each succeeding cow he acquires onto the land, even if the carrying capacity of the common is exceeded and it is temporarily or permanently damaged for all as a result.