The Phillies temporarily called Columbia Park home while Baker Bowl was repaired.
In 2009, Fermilab announced that they have discovered a particle temporarily called Y(4140), which may also be a tetraquark.
Hodge revealed on his website that he finished writing a musical with Aschlin Ditta, temporarily called Meantime.
The child was temporarily called Joan until Crawford changed her name to Christina.
The atomic number of an element temporarily called Untribium.
Perhaps Paul was somewhere on the other side of the body, or perhaps he had been temporarily called away.
The new investment company was temporarily called Schroder Salomon Smith Barney.
When the land was purchased from the military, it was temporarily called the Marumsco National Wildlife Refuge.
During that time, they were temporarily called as 'DSP Boyz'.
The calf was temporarily called Tatanka Ska ('white buffalo' in Lakota).