At that point, play was called for the weather delay, which temporarily broke Woods's momentum.
Marin heard the woman's voice float down the stairs behind them, temporarily breaking the spell the young girl had cast on him.
He was trying to scramble to his feet, but his scrambler seemed temporarily broken.
After a terrible two hour artillery battle, and the heroic uphill charge of thousands, only a few hundred temporarily broke the Union lines.
We weren't in the Company, we were on my home ground, and our Fist was temporarily broken anyway.
The Japanese temporarily broke through the Marine lines and captured a machine gun, but were thrown back soon after.
The partnerships may be temporarily broken if the players make certain special bids, bolshevik or mussolini.
Amir tells Sohrab that he may have to temporarily break his promise until the paperwork is completed.
In 2005, Girado temporarily broke away from the urban-influenced sound to record covers of classic love songs.
War/battlefield experience may also trigger a psychotic break: when reality becomes unbearable, the mind temporarily breaks with it.