The capacity can be extended, however, by temporarily adding 5,000 seats to the Goal Line Terrace area.
"Both issues are expected to be increased in size, and will temporarily add to the market's supply distribution woes."
He can temporarily add the mass of a body of water to his own, increasing his mass, size, and strength.
In yesterday's trading, fears of higher rates were aggravated when the Fed did not temporarily add reserves to the banking system during the morning.
An engineer proposed temporarily adding cantilever platforms to the sides of the bridge to accommodate traffic while the main deck was strengthened.
Typically, the stock will temporarily add a "D" to the end of its ticker during a reverse stock split.
So then I - it'd be easy, it'd be nice if it were easier to temporarily add a site to the trust list.
Yesterday, the Fed temporarily added $2 billion of reserves.
Even as shuttered businesses will temporarily add to joblessness, the huge reconstruction effort is expected to create jobs in construction and a host of related sectors.
Hair volumizers are used to temporarily add volume, body, and shine to thin or flat hair.