In the figure, on the other hand, there is no temporal separation.
The flowers are produced all year round, on upright inflorescences; they are monoecious, with complete temporal separation of the male and female stages.
Death entails the temporal separation of body and soul and the cause of grief to those who lose loved ones because of physical separation from this world.
Although these sources provide support for temporal separation of floods, they do not definitively identify the source of water for the floods, which remains an open question.
Spacetime intervals may be classified into three distinct types, based on whether the temporal separation () or the spatial separation () of the two events is greater.
However, according to the special theory of relativity, spatial and temporal separations are interconvertible (within limits) by changing one's motion.
This obviously involves some temporal separation of the two crops.
When the temporal separation was constant and the spatial separation between the dots varied, they observed the kappa effect, which follows the constant velocity hypothesis.
However, when both the temporal and spatial separation between the dots varied, they failed to observe the response pattern that the constant velocity hypothesis predicts.
This indeed occurs in the tau effect, when the spatial separation between stimuli is constant and the temporal separation is varied.