The authors suggest that changes in the temporal and spatial expression of these two factors are possible developmental controls of beak morphology.
He cloned, identified, and characterized the temporal expression of trophoblast interferon-t in sheep and cattle.
Initially, temporal expressions were considered a type of named entities and their identification was part of the named entity recognition task.
"e" supports assertions with temporal expressions.
A temporal expression is used at the same syntactic level as fields and methods and is thereby declarative by nature.
A temporal expression describes timed behavior.
This allows for amplification of transfected plasmids and extended temporal expression of the desired gene products.
Space builders (or built space) are those mental spaces that go beyond reality by addressing possible worlds, along with temporal expressions, fictional constructs, games, and so on.
The TIMEX3 tag is primarily used to mark up explicit temporal expressions, such as times, dates, durations, etc.
This diversity is explained by the evolutionary necessity of possessing variants that slightly differ in their temporal and spatial expression.