The moment was softened, or dissipated, as they clustered on the altar among the audience, drawing everyone into a worshipful whole, like temple priestesses.
Thousands of years ago, she said, it was the dance of the temple priestesses of the ancient goddess religions.
The amused temple priestess made the men welcome, gesturing for them to follow Naroin's younger sister.
And the temple priestess has a different accent than Lionstar.
Well, the temple priestesses maintain that if any of the gods want to communicate, they do so through the Oracle.
To have me consult the temple priestesses, to seek out the cult of Melete?
But this truce of a day, before you are to be given into the charge of the temple priestess, will give us a little time to plan.
Females interested in serving as temple priestesses might attend a special school.
She was instructed to identify them based on her prior knowledge as a temple priestess.
During the annual ceremony, the temple priestesses (lupae) wrote their names on strips of papyrus.