Palladio began to implement the classical temple front into his design of façades for villas.
The temple front protrudes from a dome structure citing the Pantheon.
The temple front is larger than typical proportions because the Superga is set upon this hill.
This was to be an important architectural landmark, as the first London mansion to be built in a terrace with an "antique temple front."
The building features a stylized Greek temple front on the north and south elevations, which emphasizes the building's entrances.
The 2-story main block from 1840 features a temple front with a massive, pedimented portico.
As a purely symbolic temple front, entrance occurs from the sides.
The connection of a temple front to a domed building refers to the Pantheon.
Each end of the main elevation contains a main entrance beneath a raised temple front.
It features a full-length colonnade, with a projecting central temple front pavilion.