There used to be one public house whose address is still the Temperance Hotel.
In accordance with his beliefs, he and his wife also ran a small temperance hotel above the office.
In 1881, the building was converted into a single entity again and became a Temperance Hotel for a few years.
They built a schoolhouse, housing for tradesmen, a shop, a dispensary, and a temperance hotel.
They were known as temperance hotels because of the fact that they were unlicensed and did not serve alcohol.
That house, a converted temperance hotel, is only a few steps from the sea, the Lough Foyle.
For a while it was split in half with the nearest part to the road being the Temperance Hotel, until re-united in 1909.
This was known as the Temperance Hotel.
The club also did not possess a club-house, so as of 1890 they used Wilkinson's Temperance Hotel.
Barvas Lodge was a Temperance Hotel up until 1923.