From the beginning Mr. Williams fought with the famously temperamental star.
Moreover, production, for all the potential payoff, can be a minefield of blown budgets, missed deadlines and temperamental stars.
The general manager has to deal with 18 unions, scores of instrumentalists and temperamental stars.
I couldn't tolerate memos, front offices and temperamental stars.
Caron, like any temperamental star, does not care to be prompted by an understudy.
Animation has its advantages: no temperamental stars, no expensive location shoots.
Then, and only then, will the Yankees be able to tolerate their temperamental star.
They had gently maneuvered their most temperamental star, and they had done it without a storm - by letting him save face.
What Mr. Plummer described as "the old-style temperamental star" doesn't, he said, exist much today.
Dorothy Brock, the temperamental star of "42nd Street," is a flawed person because, as her producer says, "she can't dance."