Telnet address is (will be adding a dyndns hostname soon and setting up a webpage with embedded telnet client)
Generally, a MUD client is a very basic telnet client that lacks VT100 terminal emulation and the capability to perform telnet negotiations.
(The syntax in the above example would be valid for the command-line telnet client packaged with many operating systems, including most Unixes, or available as an option or add-on.)
MUDs can be accessed via standard telnet clients, or specialized MUD clients which are designed to improve the user experience.
JediMUD is played via a telnet client or MUD client.
To play the game, you will need either a telnet client capable of displaying code page 437 like SyncTERM, or the EGA graphics client.
It also accepts TCP/IP network connections from telnet clients, presenting a display similar to DX cluster programs.
A typical CHARGEN service session looks like this: The user connects to the host using a telnet client.
AbsoluteTelnet is a telnet client for Windows.
Lost Souls, as typical for MUDs, is accessed through a telnet client or specialized MUD client.