The economics of home video work against smaller producers without a television tie-in.
Gladstone would eventually publish a thirteen issue DuckTales series of their own from 1988 through 1990, featuring a mixture of classic Uncle Scrooge stories and newly commissioned television tie-ins.
Now, however, sponsors will benefit from a television tie-in, Ms. Mallis said.
Martin's, $29.95) is an example of the travel book as television tie-in.
The best-selling types of nonfiction books are largely the same today as in 1975: religious, business, self-help, personal success and beauty books, celebrity autobiographies and books with television tie-ins.
And bookstores cannot seem to stock enough of the titles that appeal to New Age readers - especially when there is a television tie-in.
He had done some television tie-ins, including a successful puzzle of "Anne of Green Gables."
As summer vacation looms parents can buy everything from classic children's literature to what the publishing trade calls television tie-ins and - what next?
A quick mention of a television tie-in.
The books division has two main areas of publishing: film and television tie-ins, and cinema reference books; and graphic novels and comics references and art titles.