The UFC 1 show proved extremely successful with 86,592 television subscribers on pay-per-view.
It added a better-than-expected 284,000 digital television subscribers in the quarter.
Mr. Foxman added that while the league did not sanction boycotts, individual cancellations by public television subscribers would be "a matter of conscience."
Most of the nation's 70 million cable television subscribers may wonder why so much corporate emotion and money were involved in the fight over AT&T's cable business.
The company is headquartered in San Juan and has over 145,000 television subscribers and 88,000 data customers.
With the new satellite, the group hopes to increase its television subscribers.
It appears that fewer than 1 percent of the 24 million cable television subscribers who were offered the live, pay-per-view coverage of Woodstock '94 ordered it.
Charter, which is based in St. Louis, lost a net 58,800 television subscribers in the quarter.
Additionally, respondents must be both television subscribers and telephone subscribers.
Pay television subscribers: 967,943 (June 2010)