She said television and print ads, which capture the tone and lessons taught by the program, played an important role in building acceptance for the abstinence curriculum.
She puts hundreds of miles on her car each year searching out houses and locations for television and print ads.
Benny and his archaic auto were featured in a series of television and print ads for Texaco from the 1950s through the 1970s.
The "It's it" part of the slogan is reinforced in the television and print ads by highlighting the word "it" inside "Lite."
In addition to the television and print ads, the Miracle campaign will also have outdoor advertising, beginning on the East Coast.
To promote this program, the government had placed television and print ads featuring comedian Rick Mercer.
The centerpiece is a sweepstakes, but the campaign will also feature television and print ads, and a significant amount of Internet marketing and promotions.
Her mother owns DK Casting, an agency that places nonprofessionals in television and print ads.
Including television and print ads, were joined by point of sale and promotional programs, for an estimated $10 million contract.
Ford currently has television and print ads showing a dozen mothers with their children arranged around a Windstar minivan.