Suppliers of integrated circuits for telephony equipment, including DSP Group, Broadcom, Infineon, and Texas Instruments, include wideband audio in their feature portfolios.
Ayrshire Central Hospital hosts mobile telephony equipment of Vodafone, but the company proposed (sometime between 2005 and 2006) to replace it with newer 3G towers at another location.
The vendor's telephony equipment then connects the calls to the call centre operator's agents.
This could be used for amplifying audio signals and was intended for use in telephony equipment.
MerAssistant is a switch management applicationfor moves, adds and changes (MACs) to telephony equipment.
The formal approach to connect telephony equipment is the insertion of a type-approved converter.
Communications and Networking Riser (CNR) is a slot found on certain PC motherboards and used for specialized networking, audio, and telephony equipment.
Some master headends also house telephony equipment for providing telecommunications services to the community.
In the past, Caller ID not spoofing required an advanced knowledge of telephony equipment that could be quite expensive.
Free World Dialup (, for instance, does not sell telephony equipment.