A young girl with telekinetic powers is the focus of a battle between good and evil.
He expedited them outside through use of his telekinetic power.
Only now could he concentrate sufficiently to use his telekinetic power.
All of us will join our telekinetic powers together; we will act as one mind.
My second book, although it has used the same idea of telekinetic powers, has a completely different story line.
She also has telekinetic powers and the ability to project force energy from her body.
Victor has had telekinetic powers since he was twelve, though very limited in range.
As such, 001 was able at the last minute of using his telekinetic power to retrieve 002 and 009 from their plummet before death.
The little beast is using his telekinetic power to win!
The brain tumor was located where no surgery or telekinetic power could do any good.