Time Warner's boss, Gerald Levin, began talking to telecoms firms.
Other telecoms firms might well be interested in getting their hands on Time Warner's sackful of valuable entertainment copyrights.
Grubman was advising both telecoms firms such as Global Crossing and investors at the same time.
Once the state owned telephony monopoly provider, it remains the UK's largest telecoms firm.
Utilities and telecoms firms in several states have started reporting their data to CRAs.
US West, an American telecoms firm, and entertainment giant Time Warner, teamed up last month in a $1.5 billion deal to produce just such a service.
Cisco is the leading supplier of network equipment, like switches and routers, to big private companies and telecoms firms.
A likely buyer would be a telecoms firm acquiring the traffic.
Eager to cash in on this sorry state of affairs, big telecoms firms are scrambling to offer all-in-one 'global' telephone services to multinationals.
Similarly, the idea that large telecoms firms should not be able to abuse a monopoly position is crucial.