A teenager seeking adventure became a United States citizen, proud owner of a New Jersey restaurant praised for its translucent dumplings.
He supports abortion rights for women and parental consent legislation for teenagers seeking abortions.
Those who work with teenagers seeking employment also give them guidance on how to approach potential employers.
Customizing phones has become popular among technophiles, trend-conscious teenagers and others seeking ways to declare their individuality.
Also on the ballot are measures on parental notification for teenagers seeking abortions and the regulation of electric utilities, and competing measures for discounts on prescription drugs.
They ultimately settled on season three's "Extinction", about a teenager seeking revenge against everyone infected by the meteors.
He moved to Nicosia as a teenager seeking further education.
A daughter of Federation official Adenaur Paraya, Quess is a hard-headed teenager seeking adult acceptance.
If you can find somebody responsible who is for drug abuse," Mr. Franks said, "or someone responsible who is for teenagers seeking to smoke, then it would be a credible rebuttal of our policy.
Its Joseph and Mary are Hispanic teenagers seeking shelter on the freeways, public beaches and parking lots of Southern California.