Being a teacher Phillips gets a general sense of what teenagers are experiencing, the conflicts that they face and how they deal with them.
Female teenagers, in general, experience an intense desire for social connection, which releases near-orgasmic rushes of oxytocin in the brain.
During adolescence, emotions are strong and teenagers often experience violent mood swings, including bouts of depression.
The authors found no evidence that Catholic teenagers experience more guilt than non-Catholic teenagers.
Rapidly increasing height is a sign that a teenager is experiencing puberty.
It was a time of crushing defeats, the kind only a teenager can experience.
Erin Brockovich, noted environmental activist, speculated that a chemical spill of 1970 might be related to the symptoms the teenagers were experiencing.
In the fifth stage called adolescence, teenagers experience the challenge of gaining identity versus confusion.
In doing so, many teenagers experience more camaraderie while performing community service.