Witnesses said it appeared that the teenager had been driving faster than the 30 mile-per-hour limit.
Reckless driving is not tolerated, and teenagers generally don't drive above highway speeds in class sessions.
The problem is that many graduated systems require a simple affidavit from a parent, attesting to the number of hours a teenager has driven.
Meanwhile, seven teenagers are driving to their friend Brent's house to celebrate their upcoming college graduation.
Children and teenagers have long driven what parents put in their grocery carts.
In the classic chicken game, teenagers drove at one another head on until one of them turned aside.
For the rest of the day all teenagers would be very grumpy and drive their parents up the wall.
Before 2003, it meant that, until they turned 18, teenagers could drive after 9 p.m. without an adult only to work or school.
More than half of the children's deaths were caused when a teenager was driving.