The 2005 Chinese film Shanghai Dreams features a scene depicting a rural Chinese disco in 1983, with teenagers dancing to "Rivers of Babylon" and "Gotta Go Home".
He sets out to get teenagers dancing again, and with the help of the minister's daughter, played by Lori Singer, and her friend Rusty (Ms. Parker), he succeeds - Saturday at 10:30 p.m. on TNT.
It takes place in a club, possibly in the 1970s or 1980s judging by the hairstyles and clothing, brimming with teenagers dancing to the song as the band plays live on stage.
While there, Cosgrove is seen flirting with her love interest, as well as dancing on the hood of a car with several other teenagers dancing around her.
They put sculptures in abandoned lots, photographed teenagers dancing on linoleum laid over cracked concrete and painted kaleidoscopic murals on the grayest of walls.
Much like Club MTV the show cut back and forth between teenagers dancing and the song's music video, the difference being most of the music used on The Grind was hip hop and rap.
On April 9, 2011, an instructional video featuring a group of teenagers dancing to "Move Your Body" was released online.
Ms. Puegerro said she had walked past the party location earlier on Friday night and had seen dozens of teenagers dancing inside.
A much praised video she made of teenagers dancing at nightclubs in England and the Netherlands showed them preening until the camera lingered long enough for the masks to drop.
The Saturday night show featured teenagers dancing to popular music, including live performances by the Supremes and Mr. Vinton.