The main story is about a teenager called Anne, who is left to spend the summer with her mother's old nanny.
He was aided by a group of teenagers called The V-Boys, who each wore a sweater with a large V on the front.
The teenager called Jimmy stared hi total disbelief.
Immediately afterward she is reincarnated within a teenager called Shawna, who, it is implied, is about to murder her father.
Mirallegro stars as a troubled teenager called Chris who is training to be a boxer.
The novel's third narrator is a teenager called Puggy, whose connection to the other strands of the story will only gradually become clear.
The team most favored to win the million-dollar prize were a group of teenagers called Bailey's Comets.
The movie and comic tell the story of a teenager called Dave Lizewski.
As a teenager, sometimes called "The Wizard" by co-workers, he wrote and directed the planetarium's light shows.
In her second film Shank, she plays a teenager called Tasha.