Cabrini Green Jackson, a teenaged mother who dispensed advice on the do's and don'ts of being pregnant.
Young Kelly Reilly (Jenny Lewis) is the teenaged mother whose life is exposed on The Howard Grant Show.
A study of 100 teenaged mothers in the United Kingdom found that only 11% received a salary, while the remaining 89% were unemployed.
A multi-year, rigorous study to be released today finds that women enrolled in one of the nation's best-funded programs for disadvantaged teenaged mothers still failed to improve their chances of becoming self-sufficient.
Reynolds was born in Huntsville, Alabama to an unwed, unemployed teenaged mother who reluctantly gave him up for adoption.
She then signed on to play the lead role of a teenaged mother in Where the Heart Is, which opened in April 2000.
The show is supposed to depict how hard it can be to be a teenaged mother, but instead it is showing how to be a horrible mom and make money by doing it.
Born in Hexham, Northumberland, he was given up for adoption by his teenaged mother.
Her best-known children's book is Spellbound, which tells the story of a teenaged mother who wins a spelling competition and a college scholarship.
Remember that study a while back that concluded that 65 percent of teenaged mothers were impregnated by adult men?