It is an action series involving giant robots, troubled teenage heroes, shadowy government branches and huge monsters called Angels.
A supplemental rulebook dealing with teenage heroes.
Eragon, a true teenage hero, is moody, angry and somber, questioning the meaning of life.
Are these teenage heroes just coming to grips with their powers, or are they cosmic entities trying to save an entire galaxy?
Joan of Arc was a teenage visionary and military hero who took the fight to the English in the Hundred Years War.
Alex "Flash" Gordon: The blonde, teenage hero of the series.
He was the teenage hero who turned a horrifying school shooting into a parable of good against evil.
At various times, he sometimes joins the teenage heroes of Young Justice on their missions.
And to get the teen audience, you've got to have a teenage hero.
"Magica," the latest Dio album, tells of a lost kingdom saved from bad enchantment by a teenage hero and a band of sorcerers.