Six blocks from home, as I passed what was obviously a teenage hangout; waves of party-hearty energy assailed me.
With his careless driving, Jerry hits a pedestrian by the road outside of Merry-Go-Round, a club and teenage hangout.
The space is socially charged and liberating: it could be a prototype for cheap (extremely cheap) housing, a shooting gallery or a teenage hangout.
Food is available from restaurants such as Johnny Rockets to sidewalk crêpe makers, and it is a popular teenage hangout.
The mall became famous in the early 1980s as being the center of the teenage mall culture and a well-known teenage hangout.
Once diners were teenage hangouts.
A library as a teenage hangout?
Mr. Perera's office sits on Plaza Barcelo, a favored teenage hangout.
Not only did the film shoot in the Shue's home state, but Andrew and Elisabeth's high school, local pizzerias, and teenage hangouts all make appearances.
Stuffed with beanbags, covered with posters, it was the teenage hangout of dreams.