The book has Roy's two local friends as male, teenage brothers.
His father was busy dealing with Daquan's teenage brother and sister.
A 12-year-old girl died today after her teenage brother allegedly shot her in the head.
Two teenage brothers were also killed, the provincial governor said.
One teenage brother and sister ran away from their homes after their natural mother got in touch with them on Facebook.
She has a baseball-loving teenage brother named Mitchell, who makes frequent appearances throughout the course of the series.
Well, what would you expect from a guy who spent his formative years playing the most popular teenage brother on television?
The film tells the story of two teenage brothers and an African-American doctor.
Monty, a physical education instructor at a local university, lives with his teenage brother, Bertin, whom he has raised alone.
Another time Joe heard his adopted teenage brother Ron being slammed against a wall.