In contemporary terms, the film's Marie Antoinette begins as Diana did, a teenage bride in an arranged marriage, a lamb to the royal slaughter.
In Hungarian society at that time, the future husband of a teenage bride was selected by her family and she was forced to accept her parents' choice.
Within weeks she had sacked Kathy Pitkin, who played teenage bride Fizz and told six others she would not be renewing their contracts.
A former teenage bride has cooperated with investigations against him, Utah prosecutors said.
There are already hints in the early episodes: Roman has at least one teenage bride.
In 1961 28 per cent of first-time marriages involved teenage brides (women under 20 years) whereas there were only 14 per cent in 1986.
Another important development was his growing attraction to his landlady; in 1922 he divorced his teenage bride and married Inggit Garnasih.
Robina Asghar was a teenage bride who sometimes waxes nostalgic about the smell of the orange groves in her native village.
LeAnn Rimes, at 19, was a teenage bride, five years after winning two Grammy Awards.
The teenage bride's eyes were swollen nearly shut as she was wheeled into the hospital last week, just seven months after her arranged marriage.