She is known for her role as the teenage babysitter, Annie Brackett, in John Carpenter's 1978 horror classic slasher film Halloween.
Helen borrows an airplane to head for the island, but finds Violet and Dash have stowed away wearing their own costumes, leaving Jack-Jack in the care of a teenage babysitter.
Don't Touch A teenage babysitter discovers that her young charge is being molested by a family friend; that's when harrowing memories of the sitter's own past molestation by her uncle resurface.
Stephen Jarvis was found dead after his unmarried mother, Natalie Weller, of Thornhill, Southampton, Hampshire, left him in the care of a teenage babysitter.
The baby's annoyed teenage babysitter is eager to pawn the baby off to them, who believes Hiro and Ando to be her replacement, and then leaves.
One such case involved a teenage babysitter who admitted to having placed a child in the microwave oven for approximately sixty seconds.
A churchgoing teenage babysitter was stabbed to death as she looked after her young niece and nephew on Boxing Day night.
Players take on the role of a teenage babysitter who tries to save as many children from an unnamed, knife-wielding killer as possible.
Curtis (then 22), again played the teenage babysitter Laurie Strode, the younger sister of Myers.