I roused my teen-aged daughter, Willy, who had just returned from two weeks in the Berkshires.
Back in the 1960's, for my teen-aged daughter, Dana, it was the ideal place to bring a boy classmate if I planned to treat them to lunch.
In the next verse, the teen-aged daughter is at a friend's party, where she quickly becomes very drunk.
In that case, an Indiana judge granted a mother's petition to have her "slightly retarded" teen-aged daughter sterilized.
A twice-divorced father of two teen-aged daughters, Mr. Lerach plans to wed a third time this fall.
Wilson has two teen-aged daughters, Carnie and Wendy, but they live with his former wife, Marilyn.
Jen - Anna's teen-aged daughter, struggling with her own issues with growing up.
Her teen-aged daughter Pegeen (Kathy Kastner) was an aspiring actress.
So Tom sets out for California with his wife, teen-aged daughter, and son.
Mr. Ayres lives in Huntington Station with his wife and two teen-aged daughters.