She was Tom's teen-age sister, Sandy.
Gloria and Caroline Mutuiri, teen-age sisters, had gone to the embassy to apply for visas.
One was a 16-year-old who said his teen-age sister was murdered in 1984 by a man now serving a life sentence.
When Laverne, his teen-age sister, becomes pregnant, he castigates her and cuts off all communication.
She pulled out two snapshots, one of her father, one of her teen-age sister.
He put on his first dancing shoes at the age of 4, when his teen-age sister needed an extra child to fill out a tap class she was teaching.
Neighbors in Mr. Murray's building said he lived with his mother, Catherine, a nurse, and a teen-age sister, Dana.
Two of his brothers have spent time in jail, he said, and a teen-age sister has entered a rehabilitation program for her part in a carjacking.
Without hesitation, the couple added $500 to annual school tuition, when their youngest, 8-year-old Hope, joined her two teen-age sisters at a Catholic school.
One, a 16-year-old who said his teen-age sister had been murdered in 1984, carried a sign reading: "Tell them about Jesus, then put them in the chair."