Regrettably, the teen-age population is not exempt from this troublesome attitude problem.
The teen-age population, and its buying power, is expected to increase until at least 2010, as young children of baby boomers grow up.
The decline in the teen-age population is the chief cause of the shortage.
And the teen-age population is expected to peak at 35 million in 2010.
They make up the bulk of the teen-age population.
As the baby boomers' children mature, the country's teen-age population is exploding.
Population data project that the nation's teen-age population will soar to more than 42 million by 2010 from 38.2 million last year.
The teen-age population is projected to grow until 2010, when it will peak at more than 30 million.
In the next decade the nation's teen-age population will increase sharply, perhaps by 20 percent.
He said the law will exacerbate a labor shortage already felt by restaurants because of a drop in the teen-age population.