School performance, social status with peers, sexual orientation, or family life can each have a major effect on how a teen feels.
These teens may feel ill at ease when expressing grief.
When teens feel sad or low, they often say they are depressed.
I know Karen thought he was too strict, but what teen doesn't feel that way about their parents?
While your teen might feel ashamed or even angry about his weight, he may also be resentful if you try to get involved.
While all teens feel anxiety from time to time, some feel it more than others.
Normally, teens feel anxiety because of something specific - like a test or going out on a date.
Build trust gradually so your teen will feel safe talking with you about sensitive subjects.
I'm sure it would make any teen feel good about themself not coming last all the time".
This may help your teen feel more in control of his or her diabetes care.