He also meets Charlie's teen daughter, Maria, who is so good with children that he puts Louise in her care after Mrs. Fitzgerald's death.
The situation leads her to neglect her relationship with her husband Patricio and their teen daughter, Adelaida.
His teen daughter May follows in his footsteps against his wishes, but Peter eventually helps her train for her calling.
I read it because my teen daughter read it, and I grew up with Anne Rice, so I just thought I'd give it a try.
Annie Rooney, the 16-year-old teen daughter of a struggling inventor, falls in love with fellow high school student Marty White.
Natalia Cuesta (Sofía Nieto) - Juan and Paloma's teen daughter.
He too ends up at the police station just as Malone's feisty teen daughter Chelsea arrives with bail money.
The teen daughter was Faith Terry, his child by his original wife, born in 1987.
A recurring black character named Ralph (Charles Lampkin) lives with a teen daughter and pre-teen son next to the Jones farm.