Alternatively, it can be cut with a diamond saw, which is a more reliable but tedious procedure.
On most days, he tolerated the tedious procedure with a smile.
He went through the tedious procedure 32 times, stopping a few years ago back when he started to feel numbness in his arm.
Individuals who are knowledgeable often skip these tedious procedures by creating trusts.
Determination of who is owed what figures to be a long, tedious procedure, with arbitrators possibly becoming involved in the process.
Closing the hatch behind him, he began the tedious procedure for letting the air back into the lock.
As you know, no chemical means can separate isotopes except through very long and tedious procedures.
"It's tedious procedure to talk to all the vendors and ask them to ship," he said.
However, this can be a slow and tedious procedure.
Related files must then be stacked together, an easy but somewhat tedious procedure.